Live Chat for Microsoft Teams

Live Chat with website visitors right from Microsoft Teams. Simple as that.

Sell More Right from Microsoft Teams

Live Chat with your website visitors directly from Microsoft Teams to sell more and offer great customer service.

How it works


Add our Live Chat for Teams app to your team.

Simply select Add to Teams below, then choose the Install App option within Teams to add it to your team.

Add to Teams

Embed Code Snippet

Embed our code snippet into your website or use one our plugins for Shopify, WordPress, or Bigcommerce to easily add live chat to your ecommerce platform.


Start Chatting from your Teams Channel

Receive chat requests in your configured team. Chat with customers right from your team or open the chat in our dedicated live chat tab in Teams.

Teams Live Chat Features

Custom Chat Widget

Fit your brand with custom colors, logos, text, default responses, and tab styles.

Targeting Rules

Set up page level, on page rules, and timers to trigger proactive invites at the right time for the right customer

Unlimited Team Members

Set up as many team members as needed. No per agent pricing. Grow live chat as your team grows.

Proactive Chat Invites

Reach out to potential customers with automatic chat invites. Trigger using rules or our Javascript API

Dashboard and Reports

See how you're doing with chat reports. Export data to your external systems.

Zapier Integration

Send leads and transcripts just about anywhere with our Zapier integration.


Do I need to sign up for another account?

No. When adding our Live Chat to Microsoft Teams, you simply add the app and sign in with your Microsoft account you logged into Teams with.

Settings your Chat to Online and Offline

Open the Live Chat tab in the team you've added the app to and you'll see an online/offline toggle you can use to change availability.

Need to change teams?

If you've already added Live Chat to a team and want to change to another team, no problem. Simply go to your new team and select to add the Live Chat tab to your new team. We'll create a new chat widget that you can use or you can go into the settings for your original widget and change the team it's mapped to.

Can I set up multiple live chat widgets for different teams?

Definitely. You can create multiple chat widgets for each team you want to add live chat to. You can also change the mappings once you've already create the new live chat widgets in your chat settings in Teams.

Ready to get started?

Start your 14-Day Free Trial Now!